(Google Ads Bulk Actions) x (ChatGPT)

June 3, 2024

We outline a step-by-step approach where ChatGPT assists in creating campaigns, ad groups, and responsive search ads, providing examples of the AI's output for each task. Despite some limitations, such as the need for prompt chaining and fine-tuning to fully optimize the workflow, the potential for time savings and improved campaign management is evident.

What are bulk actions?

Google Ads bulk actions are features that allow advertisers to make changes to multiple elements of their campaigns at once, saving time and effort compared to making adjustments individually. These actions can be performed across a wide range of items within an account, including keywords, ads, ad groups, and campaigns.

It's like a magic wand for Search Ads - they save you time, let you fix errors in a flash, and make trying new strategies way less of a hassle. What would happen if we combined this with another time-saving tool like ChatGPT?

Prompting ChatGPT

To start, we'll follow a common "agent" prompt pattern like this:

About you: you are an AI search engine marketer. 
Your sole purpose is to craft effective Google Search Ads campaigns to meet the objectives of the client as per the brief.

Goal: Create 5 ad groups for each campaign: {context}

Details: Include all of these details for each ad group:  
{{"action":"add","Customer ID":""
,"Campaign":"" // campaign NAME created earlier        
,"Ad Group":"" // ad group NAME}}

Constraints: Respond in JSON format with no other text and no ```The JSON should have an attribute "adgroups" so we can access it consistently

For this example, we are using:




We requested 3 campaigns and gave the following brief:

Launch a Google Search Ads campaign named "Shungite Wellness Boost" targeting health and wellness enthusiasts aged 25-55 in the U.S., with a daily budget of $50-$100. Focus on Shungite's unique selling propositions: its natural purification and protection capabilities, holistic health benefits, and eco-friendliness. Utilize keywords like "natural water purifier," "EMF protection," and "holistic health remedies" to drive targeted traffic. Optimize the campaign based on performance metrics such as CTR, CPA, and ROAS, adjusting strategies to maximize ad relevance and effectiveness.

        "Action": "Add",
        "Campaign status": "Paused",
        "Customer ID": "",
        "Campaign": "Shungite Wellness Boost - Brand",
        "Campaign type": "Search",
        "Networks": "Google search; Search partners",
        "Budget": "20.00",
        "Budget type": "Daily",
        "Bid strategy type": "Target CPA",
        "Bid strategy": "",
        "Campaign start date": "",
        "Campaign end date": "",
        "Language": "en",
        "Location": "United States",
        "Exclusion": "",
        "Devices": "Computers:+10%; Mobile devices with full browsers:+0%; Tablets with full browsers:+10%",
        "Label": "Brand",
        "Target CPA": "15.00",
        "Target ROAS": "",
        "Target Impression Share": "",
        "Max CPC Bid Limit for Target IS": "",
        "Location Goal for Target IS": "",
        "Tracking template": "",
        "Final URL suffix": "",
        "Custom parameter": "",
        "Viewability vendor": "None",
        "Inventory type": "Standard inventory",
        "Campaign subtype": "Standard"

Grade: B

We'll need to add our Customer ID but apart from that, this can be bulk imported as is. Remember that we're working with a model without any fine-tuning so it's a good thing that it left most of the optional fields blank instead of guessing.

Creating Ad Groups

We requested 5 ad groups for each campaign, and gave the campaigns and brief as context, for a total of 15 ad groups.

        ... {
            "action": "add",
        "Customer ID": "",
        "Campaign": "Shungite Wellness Boost - Brand",
        "Ad Group": "Shungite Special Offers"
            "action": "add",
        "Customer ID": "",
        "Campaign": "Shungite Wellness Boost - Category",
        "Ad Group": "Wellness Lifestyle"
            "action": "add",
        "Customer ID": "",
        "Campaign": "Shungite Wellness Boost - Competition",
        "Ad Group": "Competitor Comparison"

Grade: A-

Not a lot of things to get wrong here.

Creating Responsive Search Ads

Finally, we requested 3 Ads for reach Ad group, for a total of 45 Ads. A couple of examples:

Shungite Core Benefits

        "Action": "Add",
        "Ad status": "Enabled",
        "Customer ID": "",
        "Ad group": "Shungite Core Benefits",
        "Ad type": "Responsive search ad",
        "Label": "Holistic Health",
        "Headline 1": "Elevate Your Wellness",
        "Headline 2": "Discover Shungite Benefits",
        "Headline 3": "Natural Healing Stone",
        "Headline 4": "Boost Your Energy",
        "Headline 5": "Purify Your Water",
        "Headline 6": "Enhance Mental Clarity",
        "Headline 7": "Authentic Shungite Products",
        "Headline 8": "Feel the Difference",
        "Headline 9": "Holistic Health Solutions",
        "Headline 10": "Grounding & Protection",
        "Headline 11": "Fast Shipping Worldwide",
        "Headline 12": "Special Offers Available",
        "Headline 13": "Satisfaction Guaranteed",
        "Headline 14": "Shop Now",
        "Headline 15": "Transform Your Life",
        "Description": "Experience the core benefits of Shungite. Elevate your wellness journey with our authentic Shungite products. Shop now!",
        "Description 2": "From purifying water to enhancing mental clarity, discover how Shungite can transform your health and well-being.",
        "Description 3": "Unlock the natural healing power of Shungite. Ground yourself in wellness and protection. Fast worldwide shipping.",
        "Description 4": "Feel the holistic difference with Shungite. Boost energy, purify water, and protect your space. Satisfaction guaranteed.",
        "Path 1": "Shungite",
        "Path 2": "Wellness",
        "Final URL": "",
        "Mobile final URL": "",
        "Tracking template": "",
        "Final URL suffix": "",
        "Custom parameter": ""

Shungite Usage Tips

        "Action": "Add", 
        "Ad status": "Enabled", 
        "Customer ID": "", 
        "Ad group": "Shungite Usage Tips", 
        "Ad type": "Responsive search ad", 
        "Label": "", 
        "Headline 1": "Natural Wellness with Shungite", 
        "Headline 2": "Pure Shungite for Health", 
        "Headline 3": "Elevate Your Daily Routine", 
        "Headline 4": "Authentic Shungite Stones", 
        "Headline 5": "Revitalize Your Energy", 
        "Headline 6": "Shungite Water Purification", 
        "Headline 7": "Holistic Healing Benefits", 
        "Headline 8": "Boost Your Health Naturally", 
        "Headline 9": "Shungite for Well-being", 
        "Headline 10": "Discover the Power of Shungite", 
        "Headline 11": "Enhance Your Life Quality", 
        "Headline 12": "Natural Purification", 
        "Headline 13": "Wellness & Vitality", 
        "Headline 14": "Quality Shungite Products", 
        "Headline 15": "Feel the Natural Healing", 
        "Description": "Unlock the secrets of Shungite for a healthier, more vibrant life. Explore our range of authentic Shungite products for wellness and purification.", 
        "Description 2": "Experience the holistic benefits of Shungite. From water purification to energy revitalization, see how it can enhance your health.", 
        "Description 3": "", 
        "Description 4": "", 
        "Path 1": "Health", 
        "Path 2": "Shungite", 
        "Final URL": "", 
        "Mobile final URL": "", 
        "Tracking template": "", 
        "Final URL suffix": "", 
        "Custom parameter": ""

Grade: B-

These descriptions and headlines are nothing too creative or risky. There also isn't any noticeable difference between Ads generated for different Ad Groups. Again, the model is not tuned in any way.


While great for ideation, turning this workflow into an actual time-saver will need a few things like prompt chaining, fine-tuning, and even just automatically exporting the outputs. We could also try a multi-agent framework such as MetaGPT to implement a sort of team that checks each others work. Keywords were also left out of this example but could come at a later post! For now, we'll give this un-tuned AI Search Engine marketer a B out of 5.

let’s work together
